Honoring women, celebrating workers, & caring for the world.

1953 Social Justice Term Sheet

1953 Tequila strives to create value—for the world, women, workers, and shareholders. Through the production of a delicious premium tequila, we seek to demonstrate that businesses can do good in the world and still be successful companies. We are committed to running our business in a way that demonstrates our true commitment to social justice. We realize some of this will take time, but we remain committed to a core set of operating principles focused on governance, compensation, worker rights, and how we engage with our community and partners.


  • Honesty & Transparency

    We commit to be clear about our organizational standards for advancing a more just world, and to be transparent when we fall short of our goals. We commit to publishing an annual report that clearly identifies where we have been successful, where we haven’t, and what we’re doing to address shortcomings.

  • Affirmative Inclusion

    We commit to building a board and staff that reflects the diversity and genius of the communities we aim to serve. We understand that it will take a concerted effort to recruit talent often excluded from traditional processes.  

  • Female Leadership

    1953 is a tequila funded, farmed, distilled, and distributed by women. We believe in the talent and belonging of women in every place along our supply chain and will actively work to ensure women’s leadership is recognized, promoted, and rewarded.

  • Stakeholder Acountability

    1953 founders commit to participating in annual meetings with community members who reside or work near our operations. We commit to publishing the requests made in those meetings without edit, and what actions are taken.

  • Paying Our Fair Share

    We are headquartered in the United States and will make no efforts to offshore any production or tax liabilities.


All workers will be paid a fair wage.

Worker Rights

  • Adherence to International Labor Organization protocols

    1953 will abide by the ILO core labor standards: (a)freedom of association, (b) the right to collective bargaining, (c) the prohibition of all forms of forced labor, (d) elimination of the worst forms of child labor, and (e) non-discrimination in employment: equal pay for equal work.

  • Grievance Mechanisms & Non-retaliation

    1953 will support an independent grievance and investigation mechanism that can be accessed by any employee. Any person who comes forward to help identify an area where 1953 is not honoring our commitments will be protected from any retaliatory measures

  • Access and Terms Relaated to Remedy

    1953 will actively thwart an environment that condones abuse. Where noncompliance is found, 1953 will invest in remediation where possible and termination where necessary. 1953 will ensure that leadership be accountable in acknowledging and remediating any abuse not prevented.

  • Healthcare & Workers Compensation/PTO

    1953 recognizes health care as a fundamental right. Where health care is not provided by the government, 1953 will provide access to health care for all employees. 1953 also supports the rights of workers for paid family and medical leave.

Community & Partners

  • Environmental Stewardship

    1953 are mindful of the environmental impact of our supply chain and will regularly monitor and aim to minimize any negative impacts.

  • Political Engagement

    1953 will not engage in paying any bribes or otherwise corrupting public institutions.

  • Charitable Giving

    Our charitable contributions are meant to serve as catalyzing factors for the world we wish to see – not remediation measures for business practices we lack the courage to change. We will invest a portion of profits towards supporting women and communities in their efforts to change the world.

closeup of a person with their hands around the bases of two glass flutes. the flutes have the 1953 logo on the side and a light brown liquid inside. in the background is the 1953 tequila bottle.